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National Women's Month. A Tribute to Empowered Women.

This month is the time for us to celebrate women empowerment. In history March is declared as the National Women’s History Month. In 1987, a Special Presidential Proclamation was issued every year by the 39th U.S President Jimmy Carter to properly recognize the achievement of extraordinary women. Women deserve proper recognition for being a great contributor of development in the community. A Dream Foundations Inc. is an organization that firmly believes in women empowerment as the organization itself is being facilitated by a woman who understands the challenges and limitations of women in the community. Inspired by the situation, the organization strives to bring compassion which brings advocacy of providing appropriate intervention to their day to day challenges. The foundation truly brings women empowerment by being able to bring self worthiness and become an inspiration to fellow women and be brave enough to face their challenges.

This month is a time to give a tribute to women all over the world. For so many years women have proved themselves that they can make their way in providing success and development in the community but despite the progress there are still a lot of women who face discrimination and violence.

Gender equality is a basic human right. There are still some situations in which women are underestimated or limited with their decision making just because they are “so called women”. A dream foundation believes that empowered women can be at their full potential and be able to help a sustainable economy and be beneficial to the community and promote social transformation.

A Dream Foundations Inc. promotes self-reliance and is committed to providing support groups and self development activity which will definitely bring empowerment to one self, to their family and the community. A Dream Foundations Inc. believes that we can be an instrument of change in the community with the help of empowered women.

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